Sunday, 19 February 2012

Water based fitness info

Water based fitness

Water based exercise caters for a diverse range of people and can be tailored to meet the needs of each
Who might benefit from exercise in water?
People with remedial issues
people training with an injury
Athletes / triathletes
Weight loss clients
Pre and post surgery
Low or no impact means that joints aren’t stressed – but this does not mean that the workout will be easy!
Why Water?
In water heart rate is lower than on land.
"Water based exercise isn’t easier, it just feels easier!"

Other reasons for opting for a water based workout
cross training
injury prevention
Training whilst injured
Supportive environment
Utilization of resistance, buoyancy and drag
Workout is multi-directional – and also in a range of planes, that is vertically, horizontally, and diagonally
No or reduced muscle soreness
Core stabilization
Water is fun!!
Other reasons for opting for a water based workout
Low Impact Environment
Workout with a lower heart rate but with all the benefits
Even without exercise deep water will:
Improve circulation and lymphatic drainage
reduce swelling
lower the heart rate
increase the amount of blood pumping through the heart at each beat
reduce the chance of overheating
"I’m extremely passionate about exercising in water. It can challenge the hardiest of athletes but can cater for the injured or frail participant.
A more diverse workout you will not find."

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