Thursday, 23 February 2012

NEXT 5 tips - how to save $3,000

OK, so its week 2 of trying to claw back $$ spent on the pet surgery.  I've genuinely reduced spending in these areas

tip #6 - handbag in airport shop - half price, down to $100 and I do need a new handbag, my current one is held together with electricians tape.  I am considering the plurchase, and my mother whispers in my ear "dont forget about your poor little cat".  I put it down and walk away.  $100 saved.  As my friend Anitra says, 'truely noble'.

tip #7 - needed after school care last Friday, put out a facebook plee, and children looked after by dear friend.  Not sure what I saved, maybe $30?

tip #8 - new batteries for toys - pulled out batteries from toys not currently being used, saved maybe $10

tip #9 - Mercury newspaper currently has $2 wildlife DVD's, 2 are free the rest you buy.  Something stirs in my memory . . . . I look in the back of the DVD cupboard and find not 1, but 2 sets of wildlife DVD's purchased for child 1 and 2.  Child 3 has not seen.  So I buy nothing and save $20 or so

tip #10 - need new shampoo and conditioner for the gym bag.  Found heaps of old half empty bottles at back of cupboard, also some bottles from various hotels/motels, soap too.  So now I dont need to buy any for a while.  Saved about $20

Tips 6-10 - saved around $180 + the $150 from tips 1-5 - so $330 saved at this point :)

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