Water Exercise

Aqua Bootcamp starts Monday 22, 6pm at Hobart Aquatic Centre

Discovering aqua boot camp has played a huge part in my recovery journey following a very difficult pregnancy. It has significantly improved my fitness and has increased my arm, back and core strength. I no longer have any back pain from lifting and carrying my baby and it has contributed to me losing 20kg back to my pre-pregnant weight at 15 weeks postpartum. Aqua boot camp has motivated me to get back into the swing of exercising while having fun and I am feeling fantastic
Michelle Brookfield Midwife
Aqua Bootcamp is the most exhilarating and satisfying water aerobic exercise I've ever done. I never have to 'make' myself go because ‘it's good for me' - I look forward to it with great anticipation. The different equipment, the mix-up of activities and moves, the music and Jo's highly motivating manner make it a great work-out and great fun.
Helen Sinclair – Teacher
Well there's 2 testimonies, but find out for yourself Mondays at 6pm at the Hobart Aquatic Centre.

What can you expect?

  • A fun, fast and fat burning 50 minute workout,
  • a boosted metabolism
  • scult and tone your abs, butt and thighs,
  • tighten the core
  • and get fit fast - the fun way

We use a range of aqua workout tools -dumbells, noodles, ankle cuffs and gymsticks. We 'get into' every muscle, from every direction. Its a shallow water class so you dont even have to be a swimmer to participate. I love it - you'll love it!

It costs $80 for 8 sessions or $12 casually.
Water based exercise caters for a diverse range of people and can be tailored to meet the needs of each
Who might benefit from exercise in water?
People with remedial issues
people training with an injury
Athletes / triathletes
Weight loss clients
Pre and post surgery
Low or no impact means that joints aren’t stressed – but this does not mean that the workout will be easy!
Why Water?
In water heart rate is lower than on land.
"Water based exercise isn’t easier, it just feels easier!"

Other reasons for opting for a water based workout
cross training
injury prevention
Training whilst injured
Supportive environment
Utilization of resistance, buoyancy and drag
Workout is multi-directional – and also in a range of planes, that is vertically, horizontally, and diagonally
No or reduced muscle soreness
Core stabilization
Water is fun!!
Other reasons for opting for a water based workout
Low Impact Environment
Workout with a lower heart rate but with all the benefits
Even without exercise deep water will:
Improve circulation and lymphatic drainage
reduce swelling
lower the heart rate
increase the amount of blood pumping through the heart at each beat
reduce the chance of overheating
"I’m extremely passionate about exercising in water. It can challenge the hardiest of athletes but can cater for the injured or frail participant.
A more diverse workout you will not find."


Ante natal aqua - picture rejected by facebook!

This beautiful picture of a healthy and pregnant mum was also rejected by FB for my ante natal aqua classes - what's your opinion?


All personal trainers have their preferred tools - mine is the gymstick.  It can be used in the shallow or deep water setting, and I can rave all night about the benefits.  But I'll let my particiapants do that  -
Gymstick testimonials

 "Deep water aerobics and gymstick have helped me get rid of my sciatic pain that I have endured for 2 years.  They have also helped me lose over 5 kilos and tone my muscles without aggravating my back.  If you have exhausted all avenues and still haven’t achieved the results you wanted, I highly recommend that you give them a try.”

                                                                                Regular dwaq evening participant (David)
“I cannot rave about dwaq gymstick enough!  The Aqua gymstick IS what’s getting me into shape after baby #3.  I can exercise relaxing my tense shoulders and knowing my posture is fabulous.  You know you’ve had a fantastic workout when you hop out of the pool feeling like you look like Elle MacPherson”         

                                                                    Regular DWAQ evening and early morning participant (Mardi)
Just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the gymsticks.  I got the chance to use one this morning and thinking that this wasn’t for me but decided to give it a go.  I found having my feet in the stirrups made me feel the benefit of using my legs more and I was doing a lot move different movements than the dumbbells.  What’s more fantastic for me is that recently i have only been able to use one dumbbell because my left hand and thumb has become so arthritic, holding and pushing the dumbbell in the water really hurt and I was feeling frustrated.  Now, operating the gymstick is going to be wonderful and will enable me to use both hands.”

                                                                Liz, regular participant in DWAQ 9.30 ((senior) group