Friday, 18 May 2012

Enormous egg layed on our patch!

May 2012

This month 1 of our free range chooks layed an enormous egg - 104 grams.  When I googled around we were looking like being close to a world record, with 107 grams being the largest I found.  But on closer investigation a chook layed a 170 gram egg - I cant even imagine the size of that!  A week later a tiny 52 gram egg was layed - I wonder if that was from the same chook.
Here is a picture of e ggs, the 52 gram, a regular egg in the middle and the 104 gram egg.  Notice the white on the middle egg?  This chook needs some shell grit in her diet - they all do - the egg shells are very thin - my daughter cried the other day because one broke in her hand.  You can buy shell grit or you can get it at the beach - what is shell grit?  It's ground up shells - so you might find it at beachers with large waves and rocks - so the shells are pounded into grit - but sometimes its the really calm beaches - less sandy, but typically gritty.  I'm off to find some today.
 Below is the video of the large egg - eaten on mothers day - like Nanny said - its a double yolker!

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