Friday, 18 May 2012

6 easy high protein snacks - for on the go people!

If you are trying to increase your protein, for whatever reason try these.  I dont have much of a sweet tooth, so these examples are savoury in nature.  Protein is not the only nutrient to be looking at - consider fat content and carb's as well - as well as salt content - but these are my 6 favourite

1:  CHIC NUTS by Partnerfoods (Bought at Woolworths) 10.5 grams of protein / 50 grams - yummy and crunchy chickpeas - lightly salty

2:  PUMPIN CRUNCH - by Mrs May's naturals - 9 grams of protein / serving

3:  1 EGG - 6 grams / egg or if it is my 104 gram egg (produced from my free range chook last week) - a fair bit more than 6 grams!  I keep a few boiled ready to eat in the fridge at all times!

4:  MILK - around 8 grams / cup of milk - you decide if you want low fat, or want to add something sweet

5:  BAKED BEANS - 130 grams (which is a very small can) has over 6 grams - for a meal you'd probably want 2!!

6:  YOGHURT - check the label but 1 cup has between 8-12 grams

Happy eating!  Enjoy :)

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