Friday, 16 March 2012

How to save $3,000 - 5th update

Well after 4 weeks I genuinely saved $666, and havent suffered because of it (although the lack of hair dye was a personal sacrifice I'm not doing again)

This week:

#21: another bakery bipass - saved about $30 over the week, as well as making scrolls instead on sandwhiches

#22:  picked boys up early from childcare - an hour early as Brookey was sick anyway - saved about $15

#23:  nit treatments - yep the nits and lice have hit 4/5 of us - so the options are cheap and labour intensive or quick and over with.  I went 50 / 50, and probably saved $10 opting for cheap conditioner

#24  a friend is looking after Brooke next week while i go to a work thing - saved $35 in childcare

#25  this is a weird one, but Brooke will miss a swimming lesson at $15 each - she is allowed to miss one without $$ penalty

Total saved this week - $105 - shocker of a week for not any soft drinks - lots of stress and not enough sleep - needed the caffeine!!  Better luck next week

Total saving so far - $771

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